What: Confirmation is a time for teenagers (& adults who need a refresher) to dive deeper into their faith by taking a closer look at the elements of our beliefs and owning them as their own! This is the major rite of passage where we fully accept our baptism vows for ourselves and decide to be full members of Christ’s body, the Church!
This year is a little different, as we can’t meet yet in person. Over these four weeks we’ll work out the meaning of our faith and learn more about what makes a Methodist unique.
Who: Anyone, 5th grade and up. It does not matter if you have been baptized or not! Confirmation is a choice to accept your baptism vows. If you haven’t been baptized, then you will have the opportunity to be baptized before Confirmation Sunday.
Schedule: Each Sunday session will begin at 12:00 pm via Zoom. We will have time for discussion, reading, and activities, and we will be finished by 1:30 pm every afternoon. There are 4 sessions. Here are the topics for each week:
Mar. 7 – Is the Bible true? Where did it come from?
Mar. 14 – Why do we say we believe in the “holy catholic church”?
Mar. 21 – Did the Methodist church really start because of some holier-than-thou people?
Mar. 28 – If a Methodist sings out of tune, does that mean they’re not perfect? What is Christian perfection?
Apr. 11 – Jazz Sunday for Confirmands
Please turn in page 2 of the registration form available here!