Watsonville First United Methodist Church partners with local organizations and participates in several local events throughout the year that make a difference in our community and the world. Below are some of those groups and events.
Annual Pajaro Valley CROP Hunger Walk
The Pajaro Valley CROP Hunger Walk is sponsored by Watsonville First United Methodist Church and Church World Service. Participants raise funds by fundraising or making donations themselves. 75% of the money goes to Church World Service to help families fight hunger internationally and 25% goes toward our local Second Harvest Food Bank. Since 2010 the Pajaro Valley CROP Hunger Walk has raised a total of $30,428.60 with $7,607.15 allocated to our local Second Harvest Food Bank.
COPA (Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action) is a regional nonprofit organization spanning Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties. It is made up of 27 member institutions of churches, synagogues, and community-based centers that address social justice issues arising from local communities. We work together in collaboration to organize and plan statewide actions to improve the lives of people in communities. Watsonville First United Methodist Church is an active participant in this interfaith effort.
Monthly Second Harvest Food Bank Distribution
First Thursday of every month from 4 pm – 5 pm (or until supplies last) at our church parking lot.
National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual community event where we draw over 200 people from the community, including mayors, supervisors, community leaders, police chief, fire chief, and more. Mainly, it is to improve community relationship with the Watsonville Police Depart in addressing crime in the community. It is also to show our appreciation for women and men of firefighters and police.
We offer a free barbecue dinner in the parking lot of our church next to Flodberg Park, and lots of fun activities for the kids, including a petting zoo and pony rides.