Welcoming to humans of all races, genders, and sexual orientations. We invite, respect, and support all people who speak to love, dignity, and justice. You are affirmed and accepted as a full participant in the life and work of this United Methodist congregation.
We are a publicly declared Reconciling Congregation and a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network that advocates and works for a truly all-inclusive church. As a Christian community, we lean in on radical inclusion welcoming to humans of all races, genders, and sexual orientations who are affirmed and accepted as a full participant in the life and work
of this United Methodist congregation.
We believe that God’s vision for human community include people of all races/ethnicities/cultural/national origins, religions, social classes, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, and ages. We believe that a wider spectrum of human race creates a more vibrant community to serve God and the world.
Whoever you are…
whatever you’ve done,
whoever you love,
and wherever you are in your journey of faith…
whatever you believe
or whatever you don’t believe,
You are welcome here!
Please join us every Sunday for in-person Worship at 10am. You can also worship online on YouTube or Facebook under Watsonville First United Methodist Church and worship away!

Our Vision and Purpose
Our Vision: Tipping the world toward love and justice in alignment with God’s deepest desire for our lives and all God’s creation.
Our Purpose: Watsonville First United Methodist Church invites all to experience the love of God and be on a transformative journey following the Way of Jesus Christ.
Nine Permissions We Practice at Watsonville First UMC
Nine Permissions I Give to Myself and Offer to Others
1. You have permission to be yourself.
2. You have permission to be human and make mistakes.
3. You have permission to laugh(ever loudly at yourself and at human condition).
4. You have permission to ask for what you need.
5. You have permission to say “No”.
6. You have permission to think freely.
7. You have permission to speak your truth and truth to power.
8. You have permission to be great and powerful.
9. You have permission to be happy.
Our Leaders
Resident Bishop of California-Nevada Conference: Bishop Sandra Olewine
District Superintendent of El Camino Real District: Rev. Dr. Samuel Hong
Senior Pastor of Watsonville First United Methodist Church: Rev. John Juno Song
Lay Leaders: Nathaniel Abenoja & Marieta Flores
Leadership Council Chair: Marieta Flores
Chair of Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee: AR Pointer
Chair of the Board of Trustees: Dan Tyner
Chair of Finance Committee: Marilyn Hyde
Chair of the Journey to Hope Foundation: Joan Culbertson
President of United Methodist Women: Billie Sorensen
Hospitality Ministry Coordinator: Marieta Flores
Food for Children Coordinators: Erika Bernabe & Hilda Rocha
Our Governance
“Democracy is like love. It only works when everyone has a voice.”
– Carol Gilligan
The United Methodist Church is a global Christian denomination. Like every United Methodist Church and organization worldwide, Watsonville First UMC is governed by the United Methodist Book of Discipline which is published every four years following the General Conference. The General Conference is the highest decision-making legislative body of the United Methodist Church that is represented by an equal number of clergy and laity. Every four years they are elected from their own respective Conferences to be representatives at the General Conference to establish social policies, to pass church legislations, and make rules and laws that will govern the church. Everything we do at Watsonville First UMC is done with transparency and accountability by the rule of law and governance stated in the United Methodist Book of Discipline.