Intergenerational Worship Celebration
Corporate worship service is the single most important part of what we do here. It is a spiritual oasis of gathering place to worship God and renewed in spirit.
We have an intergenerational corporate worship service that is safe and welcoming place for all ages, especially our children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Luke 19:14) We want our children to feel they belong here and that this is their church, too. We want them to feel happy being here and look forward coming to church on Sunday with their parents.
For Families With Children
There is a “Children Learning Station” set up in the narthex (the back of the sanctuary) with an array of biblical and spiritual books from renowned authors in the display rack, a large round table for them to sit together with other kids, and resource shelf stock with crayons, color pencils, regular pencils, drawing pads, coloring books, puzzles, crafts, and more. We carefully vetted each and every one of these items to ensure they support sound theology and healthy spirituality. The Children Learning Station is designed to enhance their biblical knowledge, express their creativity and occupy their curious minds, all the while they are being nurtured and formed in Christian faith.
There are Nursery Attendants to watch over them while they move between their parents sitting in the pews and other kids in the Children Learning Station.
There is a Pastor’s children’s message every Sunday, along with monthly Sunday School with Joan. Even though you think children are not paying attention to what’s going on in the service, they observe what we do in worship, such as how we pray, what we sing, how we read from the bible, and what words are spoken from the pulpit. Effortlessly and subconsciously our children are absolving Christian spiritually. Just bringing your children to worship will ensure your children will receive solid, quality Christian faith formation which they will need to navigate through many challenges that life throws at us.
Hospitality Ministry/Coffee Hour
Everyone is invited to Coffee Hour immediately following worship on Sundays.
The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry is to create a welcoming and hospitable experience for people coming to Watsonville First UMC. People may not remember what the preacher said but they experience the feeling they had about the place. Our ministry begins with the quality Coffee Hour following worship, and then, it expands to all areas of church life.