You are invited to join our pastor and Rev. Brenda Vaca with other leaders from area United Methodist Churches at 2:30 pm on Sunday, March 30th for the first session of “Pentecost Journey.” Additional classes will follow on April 27th and a date to be announced the end of May.

Brenda is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries, and actively involved in implementing the Western Jurisdiction National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry of the United Methodist Church. And she’s great!
This special event will help our congregation fulfill Christ’s mandate to make disciples with a particular focus on helping us understand issues related to developing ministry with Hispanic/Latinos.
The guiding principle is the vision of Pentecost in which the uniqueness of the Hispanic/Latino cultures is affirmed as ministry is developed.
Our goal is to develop a comprehensive ministry plan for our congregation in which effective programs are planned and carried out by taking into account the intercultural context of Hispanic/Latino ministries. The first session will be at Salinas First United Methodist Church, Lincoln Ave., Salinas, CA 93901. If you need a ride or have questions, please call the church at (831) 724-4434.
If you can’t attend this event, we ask for your continued prayers for us as we embark on this Journey!