Please join us for in-person worship this Sunday, November 21 at 10:00 am! The bulletin for this Sunday is available for viewing HERE.
*[Our 10 am in-person Sunday worship in the Sanctuary requires masks for all. Please continue to practice 6 feet physical distancing whenever possible.]
This Sunday, Nov. 21, is Thanksgiving Sunday. Our Choir will sing Special Music under the direction of Mike Locke-Paddon after being in hiatus since the beginning of the pandemic last year. Welcome back!
Special Music: “Thanks to God” by August Ludwig Storm Choir
In addition, children will first gather in the sanctuary and then will be led out to the Nursery Room by our Sunday School teacher, Ms. Joan Culbertson, for LEGO Sunday School.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving season, our three laity, Febe Abenoja, Clarice Wiggins, and Hilda Rocha, will share their personal testimonies on what they are thankful for in their lives.
Message: “What I Am Thankful For” Febe Abenoja, Clarice Wiggins, and Hilda Rocha