You are invited to the in-person Sunday Service on March 10 at 10 am. The bulletin for this Sunday is available for viewing HERE.
You can worship live on ZOOM by clicking the link below: Meeting ID: 965 881 6441
You can also watch Sunday services at your convenience by going to our website “” and click YouTube or Facebook. Each Sunday worship will be uploaded on Sunday afternoon for your viewing.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sunday, March 10, 2024, 10 am
*Spring Forward/ Daylight Saving Time begins on March 10
Remember to set your clocks 1 hour ahead on Saturday evening before going to bed!
UMCOR Sunday Offering – March 10, 2024: This Sunday is our special offering for UMCOR (the United Methodist Committee on Relief). UMCOR envelopes are available next to the bulletins in the narthex. Your gifts ensure UMCOR can respond swiftly to disasters around the world and as a source of hope and healing for those left most vulnerable. Please make your check to “Watsonville First UMC” and mark “UMCOR” and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church. Thank you!
Children’s Time: “Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Things” by Pastor John
Special Music: Open Rolling Hills by Brandon & Trisha Kett
Words & Music by Brandon Kett
I was inspired to write “Open Rolling Hills” while hiking the hills above the Pajaro Valley that spreads out below where I live. It was inspired by a hike up into the hills of a cattle ranch above Carlton Road east of Watsonville in 2021. The song is about while walking in nature, one looks back on life and reflects on memories and how aging reminds us that we will have to leave someday.
“What is past is prologue”, inscribed under the statue Present (1935, Robert Aitken)
located on the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.
Message: “Past Is Prologue” by Rev. John Song
“What’s past is prologue.”
~ a quotation of William Shakespeare from his play The Tempest
The phrase means that history sets the context for the present. For this reason, we can’t forget the lessons of history because the past is a preface to the future. By knowing what has happened in the past, we can determine appropriate courses of action for a better future.
We will examine the application of the meaning of “What’s past is prologue” in both the personal and societal levels. How can this wisdom qualitatively improve our personal lives and the shared collective life in society?
“Risking honesty with yourself is a sacred act.
It takes courage to disclose truth, even to yourself.”
~ James Finley
“The essence of bravery is being without self-deception.”
~ Pema Chodron, an American Tibetan Buddhist nun
“All of our regrets come from a lack of courage.”
~ Bronnie Ware
“Who we are now is where we come from. How do we have history that’s not uncomfortable? How do we have any kind of education that doesn’t make you in some way uncomfortable? Education asks you to examine the truth and make changes for a better present.”
~ Drew Gilpin Faust, president of Harvard from 2007-2018, warning against white washing history
“Who controls the past controls the future.”
~ George Orwell