SOUPER Bowl of Caring // SOUPER Bowl de Cuidado
Tackle Hunger on Sunday, February 2nd
Following Jesus is never a sport for sissies. It fact it can be pretty hard sometimes! To me, following Jesus means doing something more than just sitting for an hour in church on Sunday morning. Jesus calls us to live out our faith in concrete ways with people we haven’t even met yet.
Of course, that’s precisely why we enjoy changing a football game into the Souper Bowl—spell it with me now—S-O-U-P-E-R Bowl of caring, Souper Bowl de Cuidado.
We support the kids (and others!) holding up soup pots for donations after worship, because it gives us an opportunity to give and give generously. We know how important Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz County is to Watsonville, and we want to show how much we care right here and right now.
Why do we do it? We want to do what Jesus said to do! Join us in celebrating the SOUPER Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 2nd!
P.S. Donations gratefully received year round!! Designate your check SOUPER BOWL or bring your donated food items and help us fill our food barrels for Second Harvest Food Bank.