We are making name tag necklaces starting this Sunday, August 15. Instead of having to write your name on a sticker every Sunday, you just put on your name tag necklace that is enduring, colorful, cheery, and has a personality.
Tahja and her crew will take your order on the sign-up sheet following worship in the narthex and during Coffee Hour in the Social Hall. If you give them your preferred first name or nickname, they will make your personalized name tag necklace that we want you to wear on Sundays. If you wish, you can make your own name tag necklace at the craft booth. It’s one of the ways to make it easier for newcomers to learn your name and to create a welcoming and hospitable community.
Please drop off your necklace in the Moroccan blue bowl in the Social Hall before you leave so we can have them ready for you to wear every Sunday. All the name tags will be laid out on the table in the narthex on Sunday as you enter the sanctuary.