Please join us for in-person worship this Sunday, September 26 at 10:00 am! The bulletin for this Sunday is available for viewing Here!
*[Our 10 am in-person Sunday worship in the Sanctuary requires masks for all.
Please continue to practice 6 feet physical distancing whenever possible.]
This Sunday is the In-Person Lego Sunday! (It will be held every 4th Sunday of the month.)
First, children will be in worship. Following the Children’s Time and Special Music, the teacher, Joan Culbertson, will lead our children to the Nursery Room where Lego Sunday will be held.

Children’s Time “Frog Lives in a Rock” Pastor John A Story from India
Layla Dias & Aidan Santa Cruz, music students from Cabrillo College, will sing “Colors of the Wind” from Disney’s Pocahontas.
Special Music Colors of the Wind Layla Dias & Aidan Santa Cruz
From Disney’s Pocahontas
*Children may now leave for Lego Sunday with the teacher Joan Culbertson held in the Nursery Room
At this particular juncture in time, there’s a real sense of uncertainty about where humanity is going. Pastor John will attempt to answer the urgent questions of our time:
How Did we Lose Our Way and How Can We Find Our Way Back?
Message Panentheism: The Incarnational Worldview
Part 4) “I Didn’t Know God Was In This Rock!”