Please join us for in-person worship on July 31 at 10:00 am. *Masks are optional. The bulletin for this Sunday is available for viewing HERE.
You can also worship online by going to our website “” and click YouTube or Facebook. It will be uploaded on Sunday afternoon for your viewing.
Worship during Ordinary Time
Sunday, July 31, 2022, 10 am
“The Good Shepherd” by Christopher Santer
Choir Anthem I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord
Words & Music by H. J. Fillmore
Partner Song: Great Is Thy Faithfulness Soloist: Joan Culbertson
Words, Thomas O. Chisholm; Music, William M. Runyan; Arr. by C.D. Abenoja
Harrowing of Hades (Hell) Icon
“Life fell asleep and hell shook with fear.”
~ Holy Saturday proclamation
“He descended into hell and on the third day he rose again.”
~ The Apostles’ Creed
Message “Entering the World of Icons” Rev. John Song
Pastor John will continue as a tour guide taking you from one icon to the next giving a summary of each icon. There will be a time for Q & A. All the children are invited to participate in this tour during worship.
Paschal Mystery of Jesus: “Harrowing of Hades” or “He Descended into Hell”
What really happened when Jesus was entombed in the cave during those 3 days between his death and resurrection? What is the cosmic significance of Holy Saturday? We Protestant Christians don’t talk much about, if at all, the work of Jesus while he was entombed. We will explore the Paschal Mystery of Jesus where he underwent the transformation of death and resurrection that continues to reverberate throughout the universe. We will delve into its implication for our own salvation and transformation.
Mary’s Consent
“In the days of the creation of the world, when God was uttering his living and mighty ‘Let there be,’ the word of the Creator brought creatures into the world. But on that day, unprecedented in the history of the world, when Mary uttered her brief and obedient, ‘Let it be,’ I hardly dare say what happened then – the word of the creature brought the Creator into the world.”
~ Metropolitan Philaret, a sermon on the Feast of Annunciation, 1874
Theotokos “Tender Heart” Icon