You are invited to the Christmas Sunday Service on December 25 at 10 am. The bulletin for this Sunday is available for viewing HERE.
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Christmas Sunday
Sunday, December 25, 2022, 10 am
Choir Introit Behold I Bring You Good Tidings
Words from Luke 2:1-20. Romans 5:18.
Coda Arr. by C.d. Abenoja & Marina Thomas
“Of peace on earth, good will to men” is God’s Christmas greeting. In the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth, it was sung by a chorus of angelic voices. Heard at first only by Judean shepherds outside the town of Bethlehem, nevertheless, it is a message that the whole world should hear. On each Christmas Day, God repeats His greeting.
Children’s Time “Legend of the Christmas Tree” Carmelita Abenoja
The tale of a small, scruffy fire tree with a big heart for helping others.
Message “His Name Is Wonderful” Carmelita Abenoja
Ever since the first Christmas, Jesus has been more than just a name,
It’s been our comfort in life and in death, our only hope in a hopeless world.
~ Kevin De Young
For more than the birth of a baby,
Christmas is about the God who created and sustains
the universe breaking into our world – light and life,
word and flesh, grace and truth, the glory of a father’s only Son.
~ Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor
The UMC of the Resurrection, Leawood KS
From his book “Incarnation”