Taking Mini-Breaks
Dear Friends,
Matthew 11:25-30 (The Message)
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out from hard living? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced and unhurried rhythms of grace.”
How to schedule enough “you” time in the midst of the chaos.
How do you water your Life Garden?
Where does the water go and why?
Brené Brown stated, “It takes courage to say yes to rest and play, in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a symbol status.” Few of us have the luxury of retreating from the world, but most of us can create pockets of time when we’re unplugged not only from our devices, but from the multitude of distractions that keep us from simply being quiet with ourselves.
When we slow down, we notice things we might have missed: a soft breeze gently warming our skin, a sight of flowers blooming, dragonflies flying, butterflies fluttering, or a child humming quietly to herself. These moments, however brief, can be restorative. But we have to claim them for ourselves.
It’s a summer time. Today, see if you can give yourself a “mini-retreat” from the world, taking a few breaths, tuning into the magic of your heart, and entering a state of wonder.
Even in the midst of our busy lives, it is always possible to connect more fully to ourselves, to God, and to the miracles around us.
Summer Morning Prayer
We thank you, God, for all your
blessings this beautiful summer day.
The bright sky and growing trees,
the magical dragonflies and gentle breezes.
Thank you for our family and friends.
We ask for your peace to be shared all over the world.